
The Purpose of Homework

School has been around for quite some time, but the homework that we experience now has not. If some sources in google are to be believed, it was in the early 1900s that the systematic homework we have now came about – at least for the general public. True or not, homework is here to stay, whether students like it or not. So rather than complaint, it is best to understand the purpose of such assignments.

  1. To recall the lesson

Because we are not computers that can absorb everything, much of what we see and hear is quickly forgotten, even if the lesson was presented well. Thus, homework helps students recall what was taught in class.

Additionally, sometimes the teacher may have forgotten to discuss a particular topic in class, or there was not enough time. So homework can also help students to discover this on their own as they read their books or search for online history homework help.

  1. To help memorize the concepts

In learning, repetition is key. Strategically assigned homework allows students to memorize and understand concepts as they put to use the lessons in class. Because it is a component of students’ grades, it is more effective to give homework than to expect them to read and remember it themselves.

  1. To challenge their thinking

Because learning is more than just recalling what was taught in class, homework can be used to challenge their thinking. Reflective essays, analysis papers, and other kinds of critical thinking assignments can do this as students must examine what they learned in class against what they believe and what they discover through research.

  1. To develop creativity

Not everything given is meant to develop analytical thinking. Sometimes creative homework is also assigned to exercise the students’ imagination. These may be artworks, short stories, and poems.

  1. To develop discipline

Students might not see it, but homework does develop discipline. Because of the need to prioritize assignments, students of all ages learn self-discipline. Aside from managing their time, they learn self-restraint as they refrain from watching TV or touching their gadgets. They also practice focusing their mind on the task at hand. Thus, homework prepares them for adult life when many sacrifices are made for work and family. 

  1. To assess learning

And of course, for teachers, homework helps assess learning. Some students think assignments are given to keep them busy, believing that homework is not checked as much as quizzes and exams. Little do they know that teachers do look at them to understand the progress of the class. If students have a hard time in their assignments, teachers might dedicate more time to the particular lesson or may even adjust their exams to match the level of the pupils.


Though not all students may agree, homework does have its benefits as it ensures lessons are understood, and it helps teachers assess the progress of their class. So instead of fighting against the notion of homework, hopefully, students can learn to see the positives so they can gain much from it.


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